Anyways, whilst starting an online campaign for my sister's t-shirt design I came across this on my Facebook news feed; it's a video of singer Amanda Palmer performing her open letter to The Daily Mail for publishing an article about her appearance at Glastonbury. This article appeared to only be interested in when by chance her boob escaped her bra and her fashion sense rather than her actual set at Glastonbury which is what the focus should be when it comes to covering a festival. Personally not being a fan of the Daily Mail with it's biased views and the fact it reports on superficial things that don't matter, so I pretty much agreed with everything she wrote in this song.
Her response was so amazing that I had to include it in my blog!! So here it is, the video that is spreading online like wildfire.
I am very familiar with Amanda Palmer's music as she used to sing for punk cabaret duo Dresden Dolls and I think she is a very talented singer/pianist.
All I can say is, hats off to Amanda!!!
Find Amanda Palmer on Facebook, Twitter and her official website