Sunday, 19 June 2011

Happy Fathers Day

Hello everybody; here in the UK it's Fathers Day, a day to dedicate to a person who has been there for you his whole life and helps you with the iddy biddy things. For instance helping me with my maths homework when I was young, making me smile/laugh and to cheer you up when things don't quite go your way. My Dad is walking in Wales this weekend with Mum so me and my sister will be cooking up a meal that I hope he'll like for when he gets back later on today. We are also going to give him some beer glasses and a shirt as well; the card from me has a cartoon version of The Villiage People, it's from when he with my four uncles and my cousin dressed up as The Villiage People for my music themed 18th and danced the YMCA.......sober.

Dad (Front) with my uncles and cousin as The Villiage People

That's how great he is; here is a song for all you Dads out there, I'm sure you'll like it. The lyrics don't have anything to do with being a father but I'm sure you remember rocking out to Zepplin :D



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