Sunday, 22 July 2012

Interview with Dead PinUps - Sam and Jamie

Entering The Suite Studio in Havant I was politely welcomed by Samhain from local unsigned band Dead PinUps as he with fellow band member Jamie were currently recording their brand new EP; here is their interview I did that very day where we talk about their new EP, performing and who they would appoint in charge of a magazine. I also tried something new in this interview that I will be doing again.....a quick fire round of questions as shown below. I think though next time when I ask different band members the quick fire round questions I'll mix the questions up each time or maybe ask a few at a time; other than that the quick fire round seemed to go down well with zombie rock band Dead PinUps.

QuickFire - Sam

Charlotte:  Beer or tea

Sam:  Cider

Charlotte:  Kopperberg or Strongbow

Sam:  Strongbow

Charlotte:  Lady Gaga or Lady and the Tramp

Sam:  Lady and the Tramp

Charlotte:  Ketchup or Brown Sauce

Sam:  Ketchup

Charlotte:  Ice Cream or Ice Ice Baby

Sam:  Ice Ice Baby

Charlotte:  Brighton or Bahamas

Sam:  Brighton

QuickFire - Jamie

Charlotte:  Beer or tea

Jamie:  Beer

Charlotte: Carlsberg or Becks

Jamie:  Carlsberg

Charlotte:  Lady Gaga or Lady and the Tramp

Jamie:  Lady Gaga

Charlotte:  Axl Rose or Freddie Mercury

Jamie:  Axl Rose

Charlotte:  Ketchup or Brown Sauce

Jamie:  Ketchup

Charlotte:  Ice Cream or Ice Ice Baby

Jamie:  Both

Charlotte:  Brighton or Bahamas

Jamie:  Bahamas

Charlotte:  Where did the name Dead PinUps come from?

Sam:  A drunken night out; it was going to be a London band with all London people but then we moved it Portsmouth.

Charlotte:  You are currently recording a new EP at the moment; I hope that's going well

Jamie:  It's going really well; because last time we recorded an EP it seemed really quick but this time was enjoyable

Charlotte:  Could you describe your EP in three words?

Sam:  Death, doom and filthy

Charlotte:  You have some songs on your online pages such as Facebook, Soundcloud etc. Are these going to be included on the EP or is it all new material?

Sam:  This EP is totally new, it's full of porn samples and it's all about sex, drugs and rock 'n roll really.

Charlotte:  What inspirations come to mind when writing and creating music?

Jamie:  For Dead PinUps inspirations as we mentioned in a previous interview; B Movies and really sleazy rock 'n' roll.

Charlotte:  You recently appeared on the cover of Unsigned Muso, congratulations for that. If you were in charge of your own magazine, who would you appoint as editor, photographer, weekly columnist and agony aunt/uncle?

Sam:  Bruce Dickinson for all of them
Jamie:  And Ron Jeremy

Charlotte:  And your reasons why?

Sam:  Bruce Dickinson is just awesome; he's in Maiden.

Charlotte:  You have all performed at Sonisphere along side Corey Taylor?

Sam:  Yeah that was myself and Jamie; he was my sound tech for the gig.

Charlotte:  How would compare that to performing your biggest headline show?

Sam:  I don't know, each gig is different that you have to take with a pinch of salt. We try and perform to the best of our abilities whether it's five people or a thousand people; those people have come, made the effort, paid the money to see your show. Just because there is four other people apart from them, they shouldn't have a lesser show

Charlotte:  What's your best gig you have ever done?

Jamie:  I really liked Halloween at the Intrepid Fox.
Sam:  That was a really good gig; tiny, really really disgustingly hot and sweaty gig dressed up as zombies.

Charlotte:  You describe yourselves as a zombie rock band?

Sam:  It's hard to define yourself in a genre these days because there is so much going around. Try not to pigeon hole yourself.

Charlotte:  Finally; what advice would you give to unsigned bands starting a music career?

Sam:  Don't jump on the band wagon; it's all too easy.
Jamie:  Don't look for a label; because labels are a downfall at the end of the day.
Sam:  Especially with this EP we're doing it ourselves for ourselves; we're really enjoying it on how it sounds and if someone else doesn't like then we are not going to be too disgruntled because in a few years time we'll look back and hopefully have a raging stonk on by listening to it. Especially the porn samples.

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