Words: Charlotte Whittingham Photos: Chris Green

First up on stage were BlackWolf, I hadn’t really heard the Bristol rockers sound before until Monday and I have got to say I was instantly taken with their live performance. Their sound reminded me of the old classic rock sounds from the likes of The Rolling Stones and Led Zeppelin mixed with some funky guitar riffs and solos that I would hear from Red Hot Chili Peppers. So it’s safe to say that I really liked their sound. They most certainly showed a lot of passion and energy in their performance, which passed onto the crowds as they sang along and bobbed their heads along to. Their performance put a huge smile across my face and they were certainly the right band to open up for The Answer.

I understand The Answer are quite well established in the music industry and I had been meaning to check out their sounds for a while, this gig provided the ideal opportunity. Opening up with New Horizon, there was infectious energy from the word go. With charismatic frontman Cormac Neeson at the helm the show was going far from dry, as well as his spirited stage presence his interaction with crowds was remarkable; which went as far as him becoming part of the crowd and getting everyone to sit down as he sang. You cannot get more intimate crowd interaction than that. There was a fantastic selection of tracks including the ballad-like Memphis Water that not only provided a much calmer tone to the evening but also showed off Cormac’s vocal ability. Speaking of showing off abilities the instrumental break provided an excellent opportunity for guitarist Paul Mahon and bassist Michael Waters to deliver their excellent techniques which went down very well with the crowds. Ending with allowed the fans one last rock out before they marked the end of their flawless set.
So overall the night was a fantastic experience. The Answer
and BlackWolf won the hearts of the Southampton crowd and being it was their
first time, I hoping it won’t be their last visit. A packed venue and boundless
energy from this show is another argument that rock is most certainly not dead.
Find The Answer on Facebook, Twitter and their official website
Find Blackwolf on Facebook, Twitter and their official website
Find Blackwolf on Facebook, Twitter and their official website
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