Words: Charlotte Whittingham Photography: Pedro Alves
It had come to that time of year; new students flowing into a new city to start a new chapter of their life. For those looking for a more alternative outing M.A.R.S (Metal and Rock Society) at Southampton Solent University were more than happy to accommodate them with a Rock and Metal festival at their local hotspot The Firehouse. This festival was split into to two days; Friday 3rd October being suited more to Hard Rock and Groove Metal fans, on the other hand Saturday 4th October providing a more brutal side to the Metal spectrum.
Friday 3rd October

Next to take to the stage on this fateful
occasion was Brighton Hard Rock piece BY
DEFINTION; judging from the moment when they walked onto the stage they had
a more active crowd. As they played their set I was reminded of Southern Rock
legends Black Stone Cherry with their excellently dirty distorted solos and top-notch
vocals. Also the fact I did a lot more head banging than note taking is a sign
that I am highly enjoying a set.

So this concluded the first night of hard
rock, groove metal from Southampton’s very own MARS. I was only anxious to know
what the next evening had to offer.
Saturday 4th October
Due to some blunders before leaving to go I
was very disappointed to arrive after first act LAID WASTED had finished. From what I remember from their previous
shows they often give the crowd a treat; their comical stage presence via Sean
Walsh and their music would have been the perfect way to open up the evening of
brutality that The Firehouse was about to receive.
The first band I actually got to see that
evening were Progressive/Black Metal oufit REIGN
OF PERDITION. Now before arriving to the event I was feeling quite stressed
so their mellow music actually calmed me down in time before any more bands
took to the stage. They also seemed to gain a positive reception from the crowd,
which is often good for the first or second band into the evening.
Bristolian Progressive Metal ENDEAVOUR outfit were up next; during
this was when the first bout of head banging started to take place. What I
really enjoyed about their set was their amazing merge of Progressive and
Melodic Metal that in in my opinion created some excellent songs for the The
Firehouse’s patrons to enjoy. I was also taken with their lively stage presence,
which appeared to be infectious as the crowds seem to do the same.
Black Metal force VEHEMENT were next cast a dark cloud over The Firehouse; I first
saw these Eastbourne metal heads a few months ago at the exact same venue, I
enjoyed their set then. Now over the past few months I am beginning to have a
better appreciation and understanding of any kind of extreme metal and watching
them with this new found gratefulness I found I enjoyed VEHEMENT’s set a lot more. Especially when they had the crowd at
the palms of their hands from the first death growl; rapid head banging and
fist pumping reinforced this. This curse Vehement seemed to have was so
powerful that even people at the bar were showing their appreciation in a true
metal head fashion. So it’s safe to say Vehement tore the roof off that
Extreme Metal cluster AGHAST stepped into the shoes of main support with true metal
fashion. They basically brought brutality to The Firehouse on a silver platter
with their lively stage presence, perfect brutal metal tunes and a more than
active crowd. I was particularly taken by their set when front man James stood
on top of the speakers. This seemed to be the point where The Firehouse got
fuller meaning the carnage just increased. After that bout of carnage I was
were due to take the stage as Aghast were a tough act to follow.
Headliners BASEMENT TORTURE KILLINGS describe themselves as Murder Metal on
their Facebook page and after witnessing their live set it is easy to see why.
As the opening song, which was something quite innocent that lured us into a
false sense of security. Next minute you see a band that appear to have blood
on their hands quite literally as they dominated the stage in their blood
stained attire. Their infectious energy passed on into the crowd like the
Olympic torch being distributed on. Even though this headliner weren’t quite my
cup of tea I definitely thought they were the ideal choice to close the
festival of Rock and Metal.
So from this report I am sure you have gathered
I enjoyed this local festival of brutality and carnage. This whole festival
provided a huge reminder for me as a music journalist why I continue to support
underground metal music in any way I can.
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